Christian Vuerings


Berkeleydir enables you to easily find people in the Berkeley directory. (code)

Why build something new?

Currently the way to find people at UC Berkeley is to use This service wasn't that intuitive for me to use.


Aiming for a clean and intuitive design, it adds the following features:



Firebase querying - Setting up Firebase with AngularJS was pretty straightforward, but querying was somewhat of a pain. There's currently no way to do database like queries with Firebase.

Speed - Making it fast was of utter importance and the hardest part. In the beginning I loaded the more than 1,000,000 users in the browser. This made it extremely slow and not very scalable. Now it caches it in Node.js and provides 10 results at a time.

Scraping - In the first iteration I scraped the web version of the Berkeley directory at This was incredibly slow and took 40+ hours to complete. Now we use LDAP to get the data and takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

LDAP with Node.js - Thanks to the great documentation on the Berkeley LDAP service, it was very straightforward to connect to it with ldapsearch.

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -b 'ou=people,dc=berkeley,dc=edu' objectclass=*

However, connecting to LDAP with ldapjs, a great LDAP library for Node.js, proved to be a bit harder. Thanks to Mark Cavage for explaining that ldapjs search scopes are backwards. In the end, the only change was to set the scope to sub instead of using the default base.


As with any project, there are always improvements to be made:

If you would like to make any changes yourself, feel free to make a pull request on christianv/berkeleydir.

Personal blog by Christian Vuerings
I love to share interesting ideas.